In this article: after laser hair removal when does hair fall out I try to give as much detail to help you. Hair growth is an ongoing process that continues even after laser hair removal. During this time, hair may fall out or thin out. It is normal to experience some hair loss during this period.  However, if the hair loss becomes excessive or persistent, it may be a sign that laser hair removal is not the right treatment for you.

What is Laser Hair Removal?

Laser hair removal is a popular treatment that uses lasers to remove hair from the skin. The laser energy destroys the hair follicle and causes the hair to fall out. The process is painless and typically takes less than one hour. Several different types of lasers can be used for laser hair removal, including CO2, Nd: YAG, and IPL. Each has its benefits and drawbacks, so it’s important to choose the type of laser that best suits your needs. 

How Much Hair Falls Out After Laser Hair Removal?

The amount of hair that falls out after laser hair removal will vary from person to person. Some people may only lose a small amount of hair, while others may lose a lot. The amount of hair that falls out depends on the area being treated, the intensity of the laser treatment, and the skin texture.

What is Normal During Laser Hair Removal?

During laser hair removal, some hair may fall out. This is normal and should not be cause for concern. If the hair loss becomes excessive or persistent, it may be a sign that laser hair removal is not the right treatment for you. In this case, you should discuss your options with an expert in laser hair removal. 

After Laser Hair Removal When Does Hair Fall Out?

It typically takes around two weeks for the hair to fall out completely after laser hair removal. However, this time frame can vary depending on the individual and the treatment being performed.

What happens if hair doesn’t fall out after laser hair removal?

If hair fails to fall out after laser hair removal, it may be due to a few reasons. If there is an infection present, the hair may not fall out because of the medication used during the laser treatment. If there are any areas of the skin where there are a lot of hairs, these areas may take longer to heal and may cause some hair not to fall out. Finally, if there are a lot of stubborn hairs, they may not be removed by the laser and may take a longer time to fall out naturally.

In any case, if you notice that hair is not falling out after laser hair removal, it is always best to consult with an expert in the field. With their help, you can determine if laser hair removal is the right treatment for you.

Does hair fall out after one laser treatment?

Woman Giving Laser Treatment
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It is generally expected that hair will fall out in large clumps after one laser treatment. This can take anywhere from a few days to a couple of weeks, but the speed at which hair falls out will depend on the person. Some people may experience very little shedding at all, while others may experience a significant amount over the course of several days or even weeks.

There are many factors that can influence how much hair falls out after laser hair removal, including the specific laser used, the skin type and condition of the area being treated, and the individual’s natural hair growth pattern. Most people find that their hair falls out in small clumps for about two weeks following treatment; however, some people may find that it falls out more quickly or slowly than this.

Ultimately, it is important to discuss with your laser specialist how much hair will fall out following a particular treatment plan so that you can anticipate any potential issues and get ready for them.

Why do I still have hair after laser hair removal?

There are numerous reasons why, even after successful laser hair removal treatments, some people may still experience hair loss. In most cases, the root cause of post-laser hair loss is still unknown. However, there are a few potential causes that may include:

Scarring from the laser treatment:

Scarring from laser hair removal treatments can cause new hairs to be lost in an area for several months or even years after the treatment has been completed. This is because the scar tissue can block the regeneration of new hair follicles.


Some people are simply more prone to experiencing post-laser hair loss than others. If you have a family history of baldness or other forms of hair loss, it’s likely that you’ll experience some degree of post-laser hair loss as well.

Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation:

Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (also known as PIH) is a common side effect of many types of skin injuries and surgeries, including laser hair removal treatments. It can cause new hairs to be lost in an area for several months or even years after the treatment has been completed.


A common side effect of laser hair removal treatments is inflammation. This can cause the follicles that are targeted by the laser to die or be destroyed, leading to hair loss.


As we age, our hair follicles become less active and are more susceptible to hair loss. This is especially true for people who have had laser hair removal treatments in the past.

What Causes Hair Loss?

After laser hair removal, there is a risk of hair loss. This may be due to the heat used during the procedure, inflammation from the treatment, or other factors. Many things can cause hair loss, and it can take months or even years for it to develop. Some common causes of hair loss include:

  • Treatment with laser and light devices can cause temporary hair loss in some people
  • Hormonal changes, such as during menopause or pregnancy, can lead to balding
  • Distant infection such as folliculitis nodose may result in localized shedding of hair
  • Acne vulgaris (commonly known as acne) is a problem that often leads to permanent thinning of the scalp

How Much Hair Loss is Normal?

When someone has laser hair removal, the hair follicles are destroyed and the hair falls out. The amount of hair loss that can occur is normal and will vary from person to person. While some people may experience minimal shedding, others may lose quite a bit of hair. The average person will lose anywhere from 0.5 to 2.0 ounces or 14-30 grams of hair per session (although this number can vary depending on a variety of factors).

It is important to remember that this amount of hair loss is completely natural and doesn’t mean that you’re experiencing any sort of medical condition. Most people who have laser hair removal will experience a few weeks of mild shedding followed by a period of relatively stable hair loss.

Can Hair Loss Always Be Reduced or Stopped?

While hair loss can be reduced or stopped in some cases, it is not always possible. For example, hair loss may occur during and after laser hair removal treatments due to the destruction of the hair follicles. Additionally, hormonal changes such as during menopause or pregnancy can cause permanent thinning of the scalp.

In some cases, however, there simply isn’t anything that can be done to stop hair loss altogether. This is typically the case for hair loss that occurs as a result of genetic factors or due to aging.

What are the Symptoms of Hair Loss?

The most common symptoms of hair loss are thinning hair, increased hair loss, and bald patches. If you experience any of these symptoms, it is important to see a doctor determine the cause.

There are few surefire ways to predict when hair will fall out after laser hair removal, but most people experience a noticeable decrease in hair growth within four to six weeks. Some people may lose all of their hair within the first few weeks after treatment, while others may see a gradual loss over time.

In either case, it is important to keep an eye on your scalp and report any changes to your laser technician. Many people experience minor skin irritation and redness immediately following treatment, which usually subsides within a few days. However, if you notice any significant changes or concerns such as severe pain or swelling, please contact your healthcare provider.

Can Laser Hair Removal Cause Permanent Hair Loss?

Laser hair removal can cause permanent thinning of the scalp, but it is not always possible to prevent this. For example, laser hair removal can cause temporary hair loss due to the destruction of the hair follicles. Additionally, hormonal changes such as during menopause or pregnancy can cause permanent thinning of the scalp.

In some cases, however, there simply isn’t anything that can be done to stop hair loss altogether. This is especially true for areas treated with CO2 or fractional laser treatments, which are the most effective types of laser hair removal.

How to Reduce Hair Loss?

It can be discouraging to see hair fall out in large clumps after laser hair removal, but it’s important to remember that this is a natural process. Small amounts of hair will continue to fall out for up to six months after treatment, but the majority of hair loss will occur within the first three months.

To help minimize hair loss, you should avoid activities that cause stress or irritation, such as hot showers and swimming pools. Apply a topical cream or gel containing minoxidil (Rogaine) every other day to the bald areas before treatment and continue using it for four weeks following surgery. You can also use a topical solution containing 5% minoxidil before laser treatments and every day afterward for up to twelve weeks.

If you experience significant hair loss following laser hair removal, speak with your doctor about other options. Some treatments, such as hair transplant surgery, maybe a better option for you.

To prevent excessive hair loss after laser hair removal, take these steps

  1. Consult with your doctor about whether laser hair removal is appropriate for you. If you have a medical condition or are taking medications that could affect your hair growth, your doctor may recommend a different treatment option.
  2. Follow your treatment plan carefully. Make sure to use the prescribed frequency and duration of laser treatments, as well as the appropriate device. Be patient – it can take up to six months for new hair to grow after laser hair removal.
  3. Avoid harsh chemicals and hot styling tools – these can damage the delicate skin around your scalp and lead to more hair loss.
  4. Get regular check-ups with your doctor to monitor your progress and ensure that you are benefiting from laser hair removal therapy.

Final thoughts

Laser hair removal is a safe and effective way to remove hair. It is important to be aware of the normal hair loss that occurs after laser hair removal. There are steps you can take to reduce hair loss.? Hair shedding after laser hair removal is typically a result of the treatment itself and not anything you are doing wrong. Your treatment will cause your hairs to shed for a few weeks after the procedure. This shedding can vary from person to person, but typically most people lose about 1-2 ounces of hair per day for the first week post-treatment, and then it decreases gradually over time.?

There are many things you can do to help reduce or prevent post-treatment hair loss. Some tips include: following your doctor’s instructions closely, using a topical cream or gel before your appointment, drinking plenty of water during and after your appointment, avoiding sun exposure for at least 2 weeks post-treatment, wearing protective clothing such as a hat when outside and using sunscreen when exposed to sun, eating a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals, exercising regularly.