What’s the most attractive hair color on a man? It’s a question that has been asked time and time again. And while there isn’t necessarily a definitive answer, there are some things we can say about the importance of hair color in physical attractiveness.

Whether you prefer blonde guys or brunettes, it’s all about finding the perfect hues that complement their features. And let’s not forget about the appeal of natural blondes – they have a certain charm that cannot be denied.

First impressions matter, and your appearance plays a big role in how others perceive you. Your hair, with its choice of highlights, is one of the first things people notice about you, and it can make a big statement. But what kind of statement do you want to make? It’s important to consider how your hair color complements your complexion, especially for blondes with complexions that may require a specific shade of highlights.

Over the years, men’s hair color trends have come and gone. From red hair to light brown, brown to black, blonde and brunette shades, as well as various hues, there’s something for everyone. But what looks good on one person may not work for another. Body type, cut, and personal style all play a role. Additionally, some men are opting for a distinguished look by embracing silver gray tones.

So whether you’re looking to make a bold statement with attractive hair colors, enhance your hair texture or just want to try out a new blonde hair color, read on to find out more about how hair dye can help you achieve your desired look!

Most Attractive Hair Color According to Women and Girls

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Popular Opinions on Attractive Hair Colors for Men

Men have a variety of options to choose from. However, some hair colors are considered more attractive than others by women and girls. According to a survey conducted by a popular dating app, the most attractive hair color on a man is… drumrollbrunette!

Yes, you read that right. According to researchers, 46% of women find guys with brown hair, including brunette, the most attractive, followed by black-haired men at 20%, blonde-haired men at 19%, and red-haired men at 15%. Interestingly, the survey did not consider eye color as a factor in attractiveness. These results might surprise some people who believe that blondes have more fun.

Differences in Preferences Based on Age and Location

It’s important to note that preferences can vary based on age and location. For example, in some parts of Europe, blonde hair is still considered very attractive, while others prefer brunette with a medium brown color. And for guys, black hair is often preferred in areas such as Asia or Africa.

Age can also be a factor in determining what females find attractive. Younger females tend to prefer medium hair colors like blonde or light brown while older females often prefer darker shades like chestnut or dark brown. Guys may also find brunette hair more appealing on women.

Impact of Media and Celebrity Culture on Perceptions of Attractive Hair Colors

Media and celebrity culture play a significant role in shaping our perceptions of what is attractive. For instance, Hollywood has long promoted blonde hair as the epitome of beauty for both men and women. However, nowadays, more and more guys with brunette hair color are gaining popularity, and they have become a new look to admire. Many famous male celebrities such as Henry Cavill, Tom Hardy, and Robert Pattinson are known for their handsome brown locks.

However, there has been a shift towards embracing natural looks in recent years which includes embracing natural hair colors such as brunette instead of dying them to fit societal norms. Additionally, medium length hair has become more popular among both girls and guys, and people are now more interested in enhancing their natural eye color rather than wearing colored contact lenses.

Current Poll Results and Trends for the Most Attractive Hair Color

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Recent Polls and Surveys about Preferred Men’s Hair Colors

Hair color is one of the most important physical features that people look at when they meet someone new. It can make or break a first impression, which is why many men are curious about what hair color is considered the most attractive. In recent years, there have been several polls and surveys conducted to determine which hair color, whether blonde or brunette, is preferred by women. Additionally, the color of one’s eyes can also play a role in their attractiveness. Medium shades of hair color seem to be particularly popular among women.

According to a recent YouGov poll, 34% of women prefer brown hair on men, followed by blonde at 29%, black at 19%, and red at 6%. However, preferences vary depending on age groups. Younger women tend to prefer medium and lighter hair colors such as blonde or light brown, while older women prefer darker shades like black or dark brown. Additionally, some women find a man’s brunette hair and eyes to be very attractive as it gives them a distinguished look.

Another survey conducted by Men’s Health magazine found that 52% of women prefer men with natural-looking hair colors rather than dyed hair, even for medium-length hair. This suggests that while some men may be tempted to dye their hair in an effort to appear more attractive, it may not always have the desired effect on their eyes.

Emerging Trends in Men’s Hair Coloring

While natural-looking hair colors seem to be preferred by most women, there are still some emerging trends in men’s hair coloring. One trend that has gained popularity in recent years is “salt and pepper” hair, which can look great on medium-length hair. This refers to gray or white hairs mixed with darker hairs, giving the appearance of salt and pepper sprinkled throughout the hair.

Another trend is adding medium-sized brightly colored highlights or tips to natural-colored hair. This can add a pop of color without completely changing the man’s overall look.

Comparison between Current Trends and Past Preferences

It’s interesting to compare current trends in men’s hair coloring with past preferences. In the medium length era, it is popular for men to look natural with subtle highlights, a trend favored by celebrities like Chris Hemsworth and David Beckham. However, this look has not completely replaced the bold blonde trend of the 90s and early 2000s.

In the 80s, it was common for men to have long, flowing locks of hair that were often permed or styled in a mullet. This look is now considered outdated and is rarely seen today, with medium length hairstyles taking over.

Studies on Which Hair Color is Considered the Most Attractive by Both Men and Women

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Scientific research on the perception of male attractiveness based on hair color

Researchers have long been interested in studying human attraction, and one aspect that has received particular attention is how hair color affects our perceptions of attractiveness. In a study published in the Journal of Social Psychology, researchers found that women rated men with dark hair as more attractive than those with blonde or red hair. The study also found that men with medium brown hair were seen as more trustworthy, while those with black hair were perceived as more dominant.

Another study published in Evolution and Human Behavior found that men with light brown or blonde hair were seen as more approachable than those with darker hair colors. However, this same study also found that women preferred men with darker hair for long-term relationships.

Factors that influence attraction to certain hair colors

There are several factors that can influence our attraction to certain hair colors. One such factor is cultural norms and expectations. For example, in some cultures, blonde or red-haired individuals may be seen as exotic or unique, while in others they may be viewed as less desirable.

Personality traits can also play a role in our preferences for certain hair colors. For example, individuals who are attracted to adventurous or rebellious personalities may find themselves drawn to people with unconventional or brightly colored hairstyles.

Finally, physical characteristics such as skin tone and eye color can also impact our attraction to certain hair colors. For example, individuals with fair skin and blue eyes may find themselves particularly drawn to partners with dark-colored hair.

Cross-cultural studies on preferences for men’s hair color

While there is no single answer to which hair color is considered the most attractive by both men and women across all cultures, cross-cultural studies have shed some light on this topic.

A study conducted by researchers at the University of St Andrews found that while women from different countries had different preferences for men’s hair color, there were some general trends. For example, women from the United States and Canada tended to prefer men with dark hair, while those from Australia and New Zealand preferred blonde or light brown hair.

Another study published in the journal Personality and Individual Differences found that women from China, Japan, Korea, and Taiwan generally preferred men with black hair. However, this same study also found that women from these countries were more likely to find blonde-haired men attractive if they had been exposed to Western media.

Analysis of the Results: Most Attractive Hair Color on a Man

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Comparison between different studies’ results

Several studies have been conducted to determine the most attractive hair color on a man. However, the results of these studies are not always consistent. In one study, women were asked to rate men with different hair colors based on their attractiveness. The study found that women rated men with dark hair as more attractive than those with light-colored hair.

Another study conducted in Europe found that blonde-haired men were considered the most attractive. In contrast, a survey in Japan revealed that women preferred black-haired men. These discrepancies suggest that cultural differences and personal preferences may play a significant role in determining what is considered attractive.

Possible reasons behind why certain hair colors are considered more attractive than others

One possible explanation for why some hair colors are more attractive than others is evolutionary biology. For example, darker hair may be seen as more desirable because it is associated with higher levels of testosterone and masculinity. On the other hand, lighter hair may be perceived as less masculine and therefore less desirable.

Another reason could be due to cultural influences and societal norms. For instance, blonde-haired individuals are often portrayed as being youthful and carefree in Western media, which could explain why they are considered more attractive in some countries.

Discussion about how personal style, skin tone, and facial features can impact perceived attractiveness

While hair color can certainly play a role in determining someone’s perceived attractiveness, there are several other factors at play as well. Personal style can greatly impact how someone looks overall – someone who takes care of themselves and dresses well will likely be seen as more attractive regardless of their natural hair color.

Skin tone also plays an important role – certain hair colors may complement or clash with someone’s skin tone depending on whether they have warm or cool undertones.

Facial features can also impact how someone’s natural hair color is perceived – for example, someone with sharp, angular features may look better with darker hair to balance out their face shape.

Popular Choices for Men’s Hair Color

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Men’s hair color has come a long way since the days of just covering up gray. Nowadays, men are experimenting with different hair colors to express their personality and style. From natural dyes to bleach, there are many options for men looking to change their hair color.

Natural Dye

Natural dye is a great option for men who want to change their hair color without damaging it. This method uses henna or other plant-based ingredients to create a subtle change in hair color. Natural dye can be used to add depth and shine to brown hair color or enhance red tones in copper brown hair.


  • Gentle on the scalp
  • Creates natural-looking results
  • Adds shine and depth to existing color


  • Limited range of colors available
  • Results may not be as dramatic as other methods
  • May require multiple applications for desired effect


Bleaching is a popular choice among blonde guys who want to go lighter or those looking for a dramatic change in hair color. Bleach strips the natural pigment from the hair, leaving it blonde or platinum.


  • Can achieve dramatic results quickly
  • Offers a wide range of hair colors from platinum blonde to silver gray with options for hair dye, red hair, and black hair.
  • Works well on most hair types


  • Can cause damage and breakage if not done correctly
  • Requires frequent touch-ups as roots grow out
  • May not suit all skin tones or eye colors

Brown Color

Brown is one of the most attractive hair colors on a man because it complements most skin tones and eye colors . There are many shades of brown, ranging from medium brown to neutral medium brown.


  • Complements most skin tones and eye colors
  • Offers a wide range of shades
  • Easy maintenance


  • Can appear dull if not maintained properly
  • May require frequent touch-ups to cover up gray

Copper Brown

Copper brown is a popular choice for men with brown eyes because it brings out the warmth in their eye color. This shade of brown has red undertones that add depth and dimension to the hair.


  • Enhances brown eyes
  • Adds warmth and dimension to hair
  • Works well on most skin tones


  • May require frequent touch-ups as roots grow out
  • Can fade quickly if not maintained properly

Dark Brown

Dark brown is a classic hair color that never goes out of style. It’s a great option for men who want a subtle change in hair color without going too extreme.


  • Complements most skin tones and eye colors
  • Easy maintenance
  • Works well on most hair types


  • Can appear flat or boring if not maintained properly
  • May require frequent touch-ups to cover up gray

Silver Gray

Silver gray is a trendy hair color for men who want to embrace their natural gray or go for a bold, futuristic look.

Bonus: Tips on Maintaining and Enhancing Your Hair Color

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After analyzing the results from various studies, it’s clear that the most attractive hair color on a man is subjective and varies based on personal preferences. However, the current trends and poll results suggest that natural hair colors such as brown and black are more favored by women and girls.

If you want to maintain or enhance your hair color, there are a few tips you can follow. Firstly, avoid over-washing your hair as it can strip away natural oils that protect your scalp and hair. Secondly, use shampoos and conditioners specifically designed for colored hair to prevent fading. Thirdly, limit your exposure to sunlight as UV rays can damage your hair and cause color fading.

Lastly, consider getting professional help if you’re unsure about which hair color suits you best or how to maintain it properly.


Q: Can I dye my hair at home?

A: Yes, but be cautious when using store-bought dyes as they may contain harsh chemicals that could damage your hair. It’s recommended to seek professional help if you’re unsure about the process.

Q: How often should I wash my colored hair?

A: It’s recommended to wash colored hair every 2-3 days with sulfate-free shampoo and conditioner.

Q: Will frequent coloring damage my hair?

A: Frequent coloring can damage your hair if not done properly or if harsh chemicals are used. It’s important to take breaks between sessions and use products specifically designed for colored hair.

Q: Can I change my hair color frequently?

A: Yes, but keep in mind that frequent changes can cause damage to your scalp and weaken your strands over time. It’s important to consult with a professional stylist who understands your hair texture before making any drastic changes to your blonde hair color or hair color. Additionally, if you have gray hair, it’s important to consider how the new color will interact with your natural hair color.

Q: How do I know which shade of color suits me best?

The best way to determine the most suitable hair color for you is to consult with a professional stylist who can analyze your skin tone and facial features. Whether you prefer auburn hair color, blonde hair, or a preferred brunette hair shade, the stylist can recommend the best shade that would complement you.